Direct sourcing
Access to large volumes apples and pears from both Holland and Belgium.
We keep the chain short which enables us to deliver the fruits in the best possible condition.
By controlling the chain we’re able to serve you best without adding ‘extra’ costs.
Category partner
We are there to increase your volumes in the category. Two know more than one, simple saying but we believe this is key when you want to achieve success!
Together we work on activities, innovations and we make sure the products look on their best possible way in your shelves.
Growers care!
The apple and pear market has been ruled by large trading companies and cooperations, where these companies grew the growers suffered.
Urfruit’s goal is not only to grow in volume, maybe more important also to ensures an honest return for our fruits. When Urfruit meets the price of your other suppliers you can be sure the grower will find a better return. After all, these very growers are the future for you as a buyer and for us as their marketing partner!
Food safety
In today’s market food safety is number 1! All our fruits live up to the Global Gap standards and are packed in packhouses which have their BRC certifications.
In addition to the above we’re continuously monitoring our procedures of growing and packing the fruits in order to seek for improvements.
Spot trading is something what is not common for Urfruit. We always aim for a long term cooperation with our partners. Continuity is important to make things work.
Urfruit sticks to its partners and is not looking to sell their fruit to various customers in one country. Less is more reflects our vision best in this case.
We carefully improve our way of working with the mindset that we need our globe for many more generations to come. Recycling and natural ways of helping the production are key in our way of working.
Our goal is to provide a complete portfolio for our partners to choose from. Organic is an addition on our already big portfolio of products in the top fruit category. Not only the fruit is organic, but also the packaging that contains the fruits is made out of ecologic materials.
Sometimes we believe we, as industry, lost the energy to make sure we present our fruits in a good way. Volumes win over presentation.
We always aim to get you your fruits in a way where there has been worked on the presentation, even when you work with returnable crates. Giving that extra flair to the product which will increase consumer sales!