The top-fruit industry is continuously changing. The growing power of the international retail on the supply chain results in less and less steps. Steps that aren’t adding value are taken out in a natural way.
As a result overhead costs become a key part for a company’s strategy in the current trading environment. Trading companies turn into ‘service providers’ and large cooperations are more focused than ever on finding the most efficient way from their growers trough to retail. The most recent trend is big scaled growers who ‘provide services’ themselves. This latest trend is part of the mindset that the shortest possible chain, without any extra costs on transport or margins being added is best.
These companies show that they are capable of supplying the retailer as they are flexible and are best suited partners for long term commitments since they source from their own production. Urfruit is focusing itself on this last trend together with a group of growers who represent a total orchard of 400 hectares in both Holland and Belgium. The total hectares continuous to expand. Together with our partners we are focused on flexibility, quality, reliability and with our clients we focus on providing continuous supply .
Our goal is to be the long term partner for international retailers and our vertically integrated model will enable us to maximize returns for our growers. Currently Urfruit has 4 pack houses of all of which have BRC certification. These pack houses have been set up to pack pears almost the year round, giving us flexibility of continuous supply till the end of the season.
We believe this reflects perfectly the flexibility and the long term commitment of our network. Our vision on today’s market is: “By controlling the complete supply chain for apples and pears, realizing the shortest possible route from our own producers to international retailers without giving in on flexibility or food safety.